Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Oki... Blogging is so so foreign to me. Think it's more fun reading other people's blogs... hmm... Ok, first up. This blog was created for the JCs. Actually it got a little confusing in the end. Haha...

So here are the objectives:
1) Janelle to read when she grows up... so she knows mumi hung out with way cool pple
2) For Mumi Jojo to update on Janelle's status cos we prob wont be seeing her much
3) To document Janelle's growth
4) To prove that 40yr olds do blog...when we eventually get there

and... anymore? oh well, anything and everything la. Just as long as JC is in it. Haha.
So Janelle, here is a brief intro. All 5 of us used to work with mumi.
This one was first to the co. She is Liz, aka 肮脏鬼。
She was named that cos she likes to stick her foot in pple's face and her face on lampposts.

Next was me, who joined in Jan 2006, a little more than 2yrs before you arrived on earth... of cos, noone expected your arrival then! I, of cos, am the most normal one.

Then your mumi's long time fren came on board... she is the JacJac, d 麻烦鬼. You will soon know why.

Next, 麻烦鬼brought in this one, who is reali an ah lian on the inside... duno if ah lians still exist in 20yrs time. But if they dont, just meet up with one k. She is Ah Da, the 假凶鬼!!

Then mumi came on board... Mumi is the luosuo 鬼. And lastly, the 糊涂鬼!! oops...

K Janelle, there is so much I wana tell ya but am too sleepy now, so you just have to wait for more k... Will wana show you my fav foto with mumi, one of the first grp shots we took, a dumb video of mumi insisting we take her, a foto of her with decayed teeth, fotos of us being at the hospital with mumi when u first landed... and many more. So tune in soon. Your other godmas will probably come in and fill you in on more of our happening times with mama. Till then, suckle away, be good and we all love ya!

Oh, btw, this is currently my fav foto of me and u... cos umm, it's the only one I have! Good nite little one!

posted by: shir二妈

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