Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hi everyone!!

Being the first to step foot onto Janelle's blog, I shall give a brief introduction to this little precious bundle of joy. Born on the 3rd of june 2008 at 6.43 pm (correct me if I am wrong), this little gem weighed a healthy 2.86kg then. She'd probably has gained a few more grams by now. =)
She was sleeping soundly, wrapped in what looked like layers and layers of towels when i saw her. I was so fascinated by her small and fragile physique that when jo asked if i wanted to carry Janelle for a photo together, i rejected her straight in the face, coz she was too tiny and fragile for my comfort. Was afraid i would twist her neck and break her limbs. Anyway, we still managed to get a photo together.
Was taking quite a few of shots of janelle with my camera, but i realised it ALL looked the same coz she was sleeping and was not moving an inch, only the occasional batting of her left eyelid while her right eye remains shut. With my camera in my hands on standby mode to capture any of her cute little moments, here's what i got!! quite an accomplishment I must say. hehe. .

posted by: Ah-Da 三妈

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