Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our Pretty Baby

Hi little pretty one!! *waves* I'm your 四妈! You are such a pretty little thing, you know? I guess that's coz you are a carbon copy of your mamii!! The first time we saw you, u were only 2 days old, and yet you are able to "interact" with us already! The sideward glances you gave us when we annoy you with little eeyore was unforgettable.

And though you were still sooo young, you already knew how to make great choices! You were sleeping when we first walk into the ward to see you, but within minutes, you were wide awake, all ready to meet us!! ehem.. I wont say the same for boring lian-ish 三妈!

When boring 三妈 visits
三: "She's sooo cute"
J: "Yawnzzz.. She's such a bore"

When 大妈, 二妈 and 四妈 visits
大: "She is the prettiest baby I've ever seen"
二: "Wah, so much hair, I think her hair got 2kg"
四: "Janelle darling, you want smell my feet?"
J: "keke.. they are so fascinating! I can't keep my eyes off them"

Anywayz, I wanted to warn you.. dun ever ever believe a word your 二妈 (shir-ma) says.. she is such a liar! she wasnt very honest with you, you know. She is definitely not the normal one of the lot, coz there is no normality in our group.. zzz.. And she has "conveniently" forgotten to point out she is the 白吃鬼.. Wanna know how 白吃 she is? Take a look at this........

I'm sure the rest of the 妈s have more 白吃 photos to show you if you ask...

Simply can't wait for you to grrrooowwww grrrooowww grow up and we can share all our silly doings... For now, be good, and grow strong (i wonder if you eat like your mum.. scarily lots)..
And remember WE ALL LOVE YOU! MUACKZ!!!

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