Friday, June 13, 2008

twinkle twinkle little child..

jojo, when you have a baby it doesnt just impact you. it has an effect on the entire god-mas village haha. to be honest im not a very baby person but still, i will love jan like my own! so, hi jan! im your number 1 乾妈, and i actually blogged about you in my site. so i wont be doing any of those in yours. you can view those memories from HERE.
thats me and your mummy when we were in our early twenties. looking at this picture, i sort of realised time doesnt move at all until you get old enuff. and then it moves too quickly.. so as you grow older and alot more independent, please treasure yourself, your family and those who loves you. us especially!

your parents before they were married. see! your mummy very aunty-ish right? she used to be a lazy girl, dont really fancy dressing up. haha.. but your mummy is very pretty. and you takes after her, so that means you will grow to be a fair lady too! tell you another secret: your daddy always thinks he very macho, handsome, charming, etc and he is very VAIN!! ops..

your mummy pretty right?! shes not only pretty but she was the happiest bride and i shed many happy tears on their wedding night. your daddy loves your mummy very much so you must lovie them very very muchie too okay?

thats your shiling 姨姨 and she is also a good friend of your mummy!

after your mummy, thats your 4 乾妈 followed by 2 乾妈 and 3 乾妈 in case by now, you are still confused whos who! oka, 1 乾妈 want to sleep now. we'll play soon! love ya!

posted by: jacjac 大妈

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