Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Belated Papa Day to your Daddy!

Dearest little one, last sunday was fathers' day! the first time your daddy gets to officially celebrate the day!! Your mummy missed her turn this year, as you were not born yet on Mothers' Day... How sad...
Well, I being, the nice 四妈 suggested to all the mamas that we should get a little pressie for your daddy on your behalf... But slow and laggy 大妈 took too long reply, annoying 二妈 just keep giving too "exhausting" ideas, and that stingy 三妈 only want to eat free dinnersss off your daddy but dun wana return his favour.. Soooo.. in the end, we din get anythg for your daddy.. Haaahahahahaaa...
Suddenly I feel like posting this photo...
My dear JanJan, just to share with you, what a "poser" your daddy was..

Happy Belated Fathers' Day, Jason!!

Your daddy's backside looks funny! like so perky, his trousers muz be padded.. haahaa..

Now you know how "poser" your daddy can be, I want to show you how "silly" your mummy can get at times... *shake head* She impress me with her silliness sometimes...

We bought your mummy a toy yellow&red handphone (complete with ear-piece somemore), so she can "chat" with your daddy when he was outstation at that time.. So, what we did was we cropped and printed your daddy's photo, cut and pasted it onto the handphone screen! On the way to lunch the next day, I pretended that your daddy called me from Germany, so I was using the toy ear-piece talking and talking, then tell your mummy that your daddy was looking for her, your mum keep saying I bluf her I bluf her, but I can tell she kinda believed coz she took the ear-piece from me and started "talking" to your daddy.. sooo gentle, unlike the way she talks to us... =p She din realised it was fake until I took out the hp from the pouch and show it to her... Wat a silly MAMA!! hahaha.. we had a good laugh tho..

You can see there is a man who appeared from nobody and kinda spoil our plot a little... haha.. Just a little... In the background, you can hear me continuing to pretend to talk to your daddy...

This was taken after the whole episode of "Jo,-quick-answer-the-phone,-Jason-calling"
See your mummy, so habpi habpi, like she posing for some handphone advertisment like that..

Ok, 四妈 have to get back to work now.. Will talk to you soon, my little one..

posted by: lizzie 四妈

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