Tuesday, July 1, 2008

finally get to see you again!

Hey Jan!! We finally get to see you and marmi again!! Your marmi looks great considering she just given birth a month ago! hehehe.. But I think coz she got put on make-up lah!!

from Left: 大妈, 三妈 , 四妈, your mummy, 二妈

Well, you're still the small little sweet thg we saw at the hospital... Looking pretty in a bright red and pink dress your daddy bought specially for your full-month party..

But maybe you shld try gaining more weight!! Chubby babies are more cute!!
See Mr Big Round Man's son... =D

As promised, Marcus Kor Kor bought you something better than the xiao-est meh 四妈 bought you previously.. He bought you a Da-Da meh.. Ehh.. But he was contemplating to give you back the xiao-est meh so he can keep the da-est meh for himself.... cunning right? *shake head*

Anyways, I hope your jadejade cousin no steal from you!! She was happily dragging it around that day at your party... See you again soon k!!! But try to stay awake the next time we see you!! Heehee.. MUACKZ!!

Love, lizzie 四妈

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