Monday, June 23, 2008

小est Meh

"Janelle, u still soooo small, you wouldn't know how to take care and plaaaayyyy with 小est Meh yet, soooo Marcus kor kor will help you take care of 小est Meh for now k?"

well, cut the crap.. basically, he stole the MehMeh 四妈 bought for you.. hahahahahhaa... but he say will get you something better for your 1mth celebrations this sat... :)

Can't wait to see you on saturday!!
I will go home cut my nails tonite, so sat I can carry you without worrying I might scratched you... hehehehe....

Love, 四妈

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wahahahahaa! the xiaoest meh meh is soo cute!! i wan i wan!! and the meh meh's xiaoness is amplified by marcus gor gor's big face hee!! :p